Dobri Atanassov Batovski is with Vincent Mary School of Science and Technology, Assumption University of Thailand, since 1997. As a full-time lecturer, he delivered over 40 different courses related to computer science and communication and computer network technology. Also, he supervised over 60 senior projects, numerous master theses and several doctoral dissertations. His research interests include the applied aspects of science, technology and engineering. His current research efforts are related to distributed algorithms, smart image processing, and quantum computing.
Doctor of Philosophy in Physics, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria
Master of Science in Engineering Physics, Major Microelectronics, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria.
Current Administrative Appointments:
Acting Director, Doctor of Philosophy in Communication and Computer Network Technology (Ph.D. CT) Degree Program
Chairman, Editorial Board of Assumption University of Thailand